
Monday, May 21, 2007

Jenna Jameson and the Democrats

Prominent porn star Jenna Jameson said Democrats are better for the pornography industry — and the Bill Clinton administration was “the best.”

In an interview with PR.com, Jameson — author of “How To Make Love Like a Porn Star” — said she prefers Hillary Clinton in the 2008 presidential race: “I love Hillary. I think that in some ways she’s pretty conservative for a Democrat, but I would love to have a woman in office.”

Asked if the climate of the porn industry is different under a Democratic administration compared to a Republican one, James said: “Absolutely . . . When Republicans are in office, the problem is, a lot of times they try to put their crosshairs on the adult industry, to make a point. It’s sad, when there are so many different things that are going on in the world: war, and people are dying of genocide.”

Demonstrating a questionable grasp of the U.S. Constitution, Jameson also declared: “The Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again. I would love to have him back in office.”

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